Monday, January 23, 2006

Two tubes left...

Lilienna is down to two tubes, and one will be gone in an hour. She is 'eating' breast milk through her g-tube and her digestive system is starting to work again. It must suck not eating anything for two days, especially for a hungry baby. She's sleeping right now, after a little fit because her milk was a few degrees too cold. Lili knows what she likes! We'll probably be going home in the next few days, with a fun feeding pump to help along with anything she doesn't take by mouth. Thanks again for all the support, it has helped us all. We'll post some pictures after we get home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great news! May I come visit you tomorrow, Lili? (After a little swing by your house, if I get up early enough :<), to say hi to the kitties, etc.?)

I'm so glad you are progressing so fast! Keep on healing, and I hope you'll be Very Comfortable!!!!!

be well - lots of love from Grandma Marian