Sunday, January 22, 2006

One tube down

Lili had her annoying n-g tube removed today, to her delight. She's 'eating' pedialyte through her g-tube now, and should be promoted to a more 'advanced' diet tomorrow. She's also due to lose more tubes tomorrow, at least the epidural and bladder catheter (I keep forgetting what they call that one). She slept really well for most of today; now she's a little fussy about her itchy nose and probably p'd off that she's been in the same room for three days. At least we got to hold her for a bit last night and today. That should be much easier after more tubes bite the dust. We'll try to keep you posted!


diet dilemma magmem style said...

I'm from PA too. The pictures of Lilienna are beautiful and she is so precious! Congratulations. I will put Lilienna on my prayer list for good health. God Bless You All.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lili! It was great to see you Sunday and Monday; you are full of vitality, and working hard to heal. We who are rooting for you in thought and prayer are so glad!

When I arrived yesterday, your Mommy was holding you - what a wonderful thing to see after all the time you had had to spend not being held!!!!!

I hope you'll continue to recover and be comfortable, and have no snags. See you tomorrow!!!!!

be very well - Love, Grandma Marian xxxooo xxxooo xxxooo

Anonymous said...

Oops - I saw you Saturday and Sunday (not Sun&Mon) - I don't know WHAT day it is!

See you tomorrow, Tues! Be very well, you beautiful young person! Lots of love again from Grandma Marian