Friday, May 16, 2008

T&A - no, not that kind!

Well, Lili goes in for her 'minor' surgery on Monday. She'll have her tonsils and adenoids removed and her ears cleaned out for good measure. Heck, he's an ear, nose and throat doctor; why not put in a nose ring while he's at it?
So here's a parting shot of a tonsil or two, along with a good shot of the cheesiest of cheesy smiles.

She's been incredibly healthy for the last year or so (knock on wood) so I'm kinda sad to see them go, on that front. That sadness is fully tempered by the thought of her trying to catch her breath at night. We have heard her stop breathing in her sleep for a few seconds, then catch herself. No fun. So hopefully, bye bye sleep apnea along with the lumps of tissue. Hello, popsicles and sorbet!
Keep Lili in your thoughts and prayers if you would...


Bubbealice said...

Dear Lili, I hope all goes well for you tomorrow. I will be thinking about you. Be well, sweet Lili, stay warm. Love, Alice

Archie said...

Lili's recovering nicely from her surgery - it went well; she didn't need tubes placed since her ears look fine. We should be heading home tomorrow. She's drinking well and eating lots of yummy frozen stuff. Yay!

Anonymous said...

Lili -

We are very glad to hear all went well...and you'll be home soon. Lots of hugs and kisses

love - Noah and Pam

tekeal said...

keep healing well, lili! livia may need the same, so we'll know who to ask for advice...

ps. you've been tagged

Anonymous said...

I hope you're still doing well, Lili! Please tell your Daddy that I was VERY happy to get his phone message on the day (my bthuthdy!), saying that your surgery had gone well! Yay!!!!! Enjoy all the ice cream-type stuff! - be well - love, Grandma Marian xxxooo xxxooo xxxooo on my travels, FINALLY at my own computer!

Archie said...

Thanks for all the thoughts - she's doing great; we're home and playing with castles and foam basketballs and such. She's drinking well, eating some and doesn't appear to have much pain at all.

Anonymous said...

Found your blog via Lovely and Amazing! My daughter just had her adenoids out and replaced her eartubes. She is 9 and has DS. She has been very healthy overall but has had difficulty with ear fluid since young and had eartubes for many years- they have helped tremendously with her hearing and thus her language. Drop by anytime- I'll keep on reading here!