Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Lili's slightly frantic version of bits and pieces of the alphabet, for your viewing pleasure...


Kim Ayres said...

Seriously impressive :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Lili! Great letter-observation you have! I bet you would have recognized the capital I (eye) , but I could see the wheels going around and you thinking it looked like a T, because you were holding on to one of the crossbars. Bravo for not committing to that letter you weren't sure of! And did you say "Lili" after you said "Letter" and "L"? You ARE so sharp!
And I have to agree with you that the lion looks an awful lot like a bear!
It's only been 2 weeks since I've seen you, but I've got Lili-withdrawal symptoms! Thank you, Daddy, for the video! lots of love to all of you from Grandma Marian xxxooo xxxooo xxxooo

Anonymous said...

So IMPRESSIVE. My goodness, she knows those alphabets.

I actually cried watching this, not tears of sadness...but such great joy. She is a fabulous communicator.

Now, if only I could get Miss E to sit still long enough to work on something like this.

Good job mama, daddy, and Lilienna