Sunday, October 14, 2007

E! A! G! Lili! E! Sssssss..

Lili and I like to hang out on fall Sundays and watch the Eagles whenever we can. Well, I was wearing my Eagles t-shirt yesterday and she started calling out the big letters - we teach her letter sounds and names, and the letter L is an especially tough one, so I usually say, L, like Lili. So, the Eagles chant is now, and forever will be,
E! A! G! Lili! E! Sssss! Eagles!


Anonymous said...

Yay, Lili! Go Eagles! I hear they WON!!!!!! Please, Lili, practice spelling Red Sox, too? Even though they don't have an L??? I hope I may come visit you and see your Halloween costume!
Be well!
Lots of love from Grandma Marian xxxooo xxxooo xxxooo

Anonymous said...

Yeah for Lili!!! BOO for the Eagles - you know Lili's "future husband" is a diehard BOYS fan!!!
lots of love - Pam and Noah

Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

That is soo cute! And she is learning her letters already? Wow! Big brag there you've got. I am impressed.

Kim Ayres said...

Cool :)

BStrong said...

Very Cute Arch. Give me an S-T-E-E-L-E-R-S. Whoops! wrong blog:)

Tom said...

Great way to teach letters! Now, if we can only teach her dad to root for the right team...

Jeff said...

Archie - send her over I am sure we can quilkly teach her to spell COLTS!


Archie said...

G.M. - I'll work on that tonight for game 7...

Pam and Noah - grounds for divorce.

Shannon - Thanks! She amazes us every day.

Kim - I agree :)

BStrong - We're surrounded by you Steelers fans up here. What's up with that?

Tom - the Vikings? hmmm...nah.

Jeff - the Colts?? hmmm....nah.