Friday, July 14, 2006


Lili couldn't wait to see Curious George at Arts Fest. She didn't tell mommy he was going to be there and talked her into going somehow. I believe she said something like 'aba buhbabbah dada mo ap-puh!' that sealed the deal. And mommy thought she was asking daddy for more apples...Ha! Anyone can see the subliminal message to go to arts fest in there.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Fancy camping

Lili had a great time camping at Shenandoah National Park. She learned that an inflatable mattress closely resembles the big bouncy castle at the carnival she's heard so much about, and thought that most of the time spent on it should include rolling and diving around. She calmed down the second night and really settled into sleeping in the wilderness (if a 200+ site campground really counts as wilderness). The deer wandering around camp made it feel wild, but Lili was right at home.

We thought everyone should experience what we like to call 'squishy face'. Enjoy.